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At least two of the recent cases, including Adelman’s, stem from a Tijuana man accused of setting up sexual encounters between U.S. More about the border: Unknown stories, unknown consequencesįBI Supervisory Special Agent Joseph Rothrock in San Diego said the agency has investigated three to four cases in the past six months of Americans traveling with intent to have sex with minors. The emails, being used to prosecute Adelman on charges of traveling with the intent to engage in illicit sex following his arrest this month, offers a glimpse into a niche of Tijuana’s sex tourism industry - men seeking to exploit young children.

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The broker responded that he had a “good” place in mind, but reservations were needed: “in this place you can take the girls realy young 9,10,11.” “You have a safe apartment? Hotel people would freak out no?” “Thin, pretty … Like a precious but smaller,” the request continued.

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FBI investigators say William Dixon Adelman, a 51-year-old Studio City man, sent the request to a Tijuana sex broker on Jthe same day border crossing records show he was returning to the U.S.

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